Mailman Manual

Subscribe to a List

If you would like to look at all of the available public Mailman lists at opentox, go to .
Click on the list you want to join.

Warning: Do NOT use a valuable password, since this password may be mailed to you in plain text.

detailed information:

Unsubscribe from a List

  1. Go to the list information page for the list you want to leave. (This will probably be something like
  2. Look for the section marked "LISTNAME subscribers" (usually found near the bottom of the page).
  3. There should be a button marked "Unsubscribe or Edit Options." Enter your email address in the box beside this button and press the button.
  4. You should be brought to a new page which has an "Unsubscribe" button. Press it to unsubscribe and follow the instructions given.

detailed information:

Member option page

  1. Go to the list information page for the list you want to leave. (This will probably be something like
  2. Look for the section marked "LISTNAME subscribers" (usually found near the bottom of the page).
  3. There should be a button marked "Unsubscribe or Edit Options." Enter your email address in the box beside this button and press the button.
  4. insert your password to get to the member option page


Your password was either set by you or generated by Mailman when you subscribed.

From the web interface:

  1. Log in to your member options page. (See Section 3.1 for instructions on how to do this.)
  2. Look for the password changing boxes on the right-hand side of the page and enter your new password in the appropriate boxes, then press the button marked "Change My Password."

detailed information:

The web interface

List information (listinfo) page

Member options page

List Archives

detailed information:


Groups of posts are called "digests" in Mailman. Rather than get messages one at a time, you can get messages grouped together.

To turn digest mode on or off using the web interface,

  1. Log in to your member options page. (See Section Member options page for more details on how to do this.)
  2. Look for the section marked "Set Digest Mode."

Set it to "On" to receive messages bundled together in digests. Set it to "Off" to receive posts separately.

detailed information:

more information / manuals online

Mailman - List Member Manual in english

as PDF

in spanish


Sections of this document have been borrowed from the List Member Manual found in Mailman CVS, which was written by Terri Oda